Appley Dapply is preparing to make the finest pies, she has...
....ever made.

The first batch were good, but she is now going for the ultimate selection, so because of this, and of course we wouldn't want to rush a perfectionist, Appley Dapply has asked for a little more time in the kitchen.
So the pies will be ready and Appley Dappley will present them a little later than expected, so please bare with us while we await the amazing baking skills of Appley Dapply.
Even though Appley Dapply is not ready with her pies, she has been selling very well, so do not miss out on this very limited little mouse, for more information, please click on the header above.

The first batch were good, but she is now going for the ultimate selection, so because of this, and of course we wouldn't want to rush a perfectionist, Appley Dapply has asked for a little more time in the kitchen.
So the pies will be ready and Appley Dappley will present them a little later than expected, so please bare with us while we await the amazing baking skills of Appley Dapply.
Even though Appley Dapply is not ready with her pies, she has been selling very well, so do not miss out on this very limited little mouse, for more information, please click on the header above.