Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Steiff parade has started.................... Arrive in Ledbury.

If you wander down to the shop you will see some of the new Autumn Range.

Now in Stock !!!!!!!!!!!!

New Mr. Cinnamon

Appolonia Margarete Steiff's trusty Dalmatian, which is seen pictured with her in the photo that comes with this wonderful piece.

To brighten this and any parade is the black and pink Zotty.

You can not have a parade with out horses, but wait this is a magical parade, because we have Unicorns.

Just when you thought the parade was in full swing, and up in the sky you can hear the faint noise of an engine and there pops out from behind a cloud is a very brave little bear in his wonderful airplane.

To order any of these pieces, please click on the heading above
or call 01531 635 290.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Just when you thought it was safe............. go online, we bring you the NEW Steiff Autumn Catalogue.

From Russian Dolls to Nativity Ste, you find all this and more.

to buy these and any of the other great autumn editions, please click on the heading above, which will take you back to the home page, here you can use the search bar. Type in the word NEW and press enter.
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