Christmas Cracker Days are here..........
.......Festive fun for all who mention this web site.

Join us for Mince Pies and Festive Treats throughout the month of December.

If you mention you saw this entry on the the BearBlog, we will award you with a 10% Discount* in store.
This offer applies to all, whether you call in or phone through. if you order online please mention the BearBlog offer in the Special Requests box. This can be found on the ordering page. Your Discount will not show on the order form, but will be deducted by us when we receive your order.
*Small Print.
1) You must mention the BearBlog to obtain the offer.
2) Excludes R John Wright, Steiff Out of Country Exclusives and exsisting Offers.

Santa Express 2006 Ltd.Ed.750
Click on the header above to go straight to the Index Page and start saving on your gift buying.

Join us for Mince Pies and Festive Treats throughout the month of December.

If you mention you saw this entry on the the BearBlog, we will award you with a 10% Discount* in store.
This offer applies to all, whether you call in or phone through. if you order online please mention the BearBlog offer in the Special Requests box. This can be found on the ordering page. Your Discount will not show on the order form, but will be deducted by us when we receive your order.
*Small Print.
1) You must mention the BearBlog to obtain the offer.
2) Excludes R John Wright, Steiff Out of Country Exclusives and exsisting Offers.

Santa Express 2006 Ltd.Ed.750
Click on the header above to go straight to the Index Page and start saving on your gift buying.